ArtCamera 3.3.0
カテゴリ: 写真(, LLC)
価格: ¥230 → 無料(更新: 2010/08/06)

iPhone、iPod touch および iPad 互換 iOS 3.1 以降が必要
詳細 Free for 1 day only! Beautiful Art Filters to spruce up your photos! With 33 different filters, ArtCamera brings the art and talent of Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet to your iPhone/iPod touch photos. ArtCamera features: * 33 different artistic filters, including art paint, false mirror, old photo, pencil paint and many others * Attractive animated user interface * Take a picture or load one from your camera roll * High resolution support * Mix multiple filters on one image * Copy image to the clipboard for future use * E-Mail your images directly from app * Upload your images to Facebook and Twitter