fotobookr 1.3
カテゴリ: ソーシャルネットワーキング(Peter Stajger)
価格: ¥115 → 無料(更新: 2011/06/14)

iPhone、iPod touch および iPad 互換 iOS 4.0 以降が必要
詳細 Your Facebook friend's daily photo updates come to your iPad or iPhone. Fotobookr is an easy-of-use lightweight photo app for iPad and iPhone, that allows you to preview photos of your Facebook friends updated in the last 24 hours. Very simple interface allows you to VERY EASILY like photos, read and write comments, preview photo tags. Why is this app better? ------------------- - very clean and unobtrusive user interface - no necessary buttons, all important information is presented to the user on each photo - all actions related to Facebook connect is automatic (login, fetching refreshed user data, user's friends) - images are cached, so they are presented to the user really fast - while browsing, user can slide with 2 fingers to jump to photos of next friend - user can browse already loaded images while images of other friends are loading on background so browsing is really fast NEW TIP: If you want to see more photos, use 3 fingers swipe gesture on main screen from right to left. You will get photos updated in the last 48 hours (hidden feature). TIP: while browsing photos, use 2 fingers swipe gesture to skip to next or previous user. TIP: to show tags quickly, simply press photo for a second TIP: if you want to switch to another account, disable fotobookr on your Facebook settings page. What customers say: -------------------- Review at "fotobookr is a real time-saver for Facebook fans who like to quickly catch up on the latest photos posted by friends. It is well-thought out and keeps things simple." Review at "fotobookr’s zero-configuration and ease-of-use combined with its simple and straightforward design makes for one of the most useful, fun and photo enthusiast friendly apps on the market." "This app is so useful and practical. You can simply browse your friend's new photos on FB and you don't have to even start a FB app. I love gesture(two fingers) for switching between friends too. I really appreciate this app!!!THNKS:)" by Frank Perkins "This is quite nice and useful application if you want to have a quick look at pictures your friends published on Facebook lately." by bernpe "I love this app, very easy and helpful for me" by icooo Fotobookr requires following Facebook permissions: ------------------------------------------ friends_photo_video_tags, friends_photos, offline_access, publish_stream, user_likes, user_photo_video_tags, user_photos